Health Care Programs
Medical Assistance (MA) – MA is Minnesota’s Medicaid Program. MA can pay for current, future and in some cases, three month old medical bills. This is a program for all populations within certain income limits and some asset limits. Those who are offered other health insurance could also qualify if they meet eligibility criteria. To get help filling out MA application, call 955-366-7873 or contact an assister in your area by visiting for assister network. You can also call Aitkin County Health & Human Services Financial Services at 218-927-7200 or 800-328-3744.
Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD) – MA-EPD is a work incentive program that provides MA coverage to employed people with certified disabilities. You must earn more than $65/month, have required taxes withheld from earnings and have under $20,000 in assets. An eligible person would pay a monthly premium based on their income for this program.
Medicare Savings Programs – Medicare Savings Programs can help pay Medicare premiums, deductibles and co-pays for people enrolled or eligible to enroll in Medicare.
MinnesotaCare – MinnesotaCare is low-cost health care coverage for Minnesotans who do not qualify for MA or Medicare or cannot get affordable insurance through their employer. Most people pay a monthly premium based on their household size and income.
Medical Assistance Payment for Long-Term Care Services (MA-LTC) – Long-Term Care Services include:
- Live in or may need to move to a nursing home or assisted living facility.
- Applying for a Home and Community Bases Waiver to help you stay in your home.
Waiver programs allow some people with disabilities, age 65 or older or who have chronic medical needs to receive services in the community rather than in an institution. If you are seeking a waiver, you will also need a MnCHOICES Assessment.
How To Apply For Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Children, Adults with Children & Adults without a disability/under 65 years old, including Minnesota Care:
- Online at
- Complete a paper Application for Health Care Coverage and email, fax, mail or drop it off at our office.
- Individuals who are Medicare eligible, age 65 and older or certified disabled through Social Security:
- Complete the paper Application for Certain Populations and email, fax, mail or drop it off at our office
- Individuals who need additional assistance through Long-Term Care Services such as Nursing Home or Home & Community Based Waivers:
- Complete the paper Application for Payment of Long-Term Care Services and email, fax, mail or drop it off at our office.
Medical Transportation – Individuals who have Medical Assistance eligibility can receive financial reimbursement or rides to medical appointments. Following are two ways to help with this service:
Have your own car or someone to drive you? Contact MTM for prior approval for Gas Mileage Reimbursement at 1-844-399-9466.
Need a ride? Contact your health plan. If you do not have a health plan, contact MTM. See this Transportation Resource for assistance.