Motor Vehicle Info
Driver & Vehicle Services
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Motor Vehicle Registration Renewal
To renew registration bring the entire renewal notice received in the mail. If unable to submit notice, bring in the current insurance card for the vehicle and we can look up the vehicle under the VIN number.
You must be the registered owner in order to get new registration.
Out-of-State Motor Vehicle Registration/Title Transfer
Out-of-state title or current registration, if the title is unavailable, is required to be submitted at time of application. The applicant must also provide the current odometer reading and their driver’s license number. The applicant is also required to show proof of identity, such as a driver's license or a State-issued ID card. If there is a lien against the vehicle, the owner must provide the name and address of the lender and the date of the loan. The owner’s signature is required on the Minnesota title application.
Motor Vehicle Transfer of Minnesota Title
The buyer must present the completed title certificate, along with proof of identity, such as a driver's license or a State-issued ID card and proof of current insurance. The seller’s portion of the title, including signature, date of sale, odometer statement, and damage disclosure statements, must be completed by the seller.
When selling a vehicle that has been in Non-Use for any amount of time please write a Non-Use statement including the following:
- Vin#, vehicle make and model
- Owner/Owners Name
- Date of sale
- Sellers Printed Name and Signature
- Explanation as to why the vehicle has not been used
This is required during all title transfers of motor vehicles when a vehicle has not up to date on registration.
As a private seller of a vehicle, you are responsible for the following on the title certificate:
- Printing your name.
- Printing your address
- Your signature
- Entering the date of sale.
- Entering the sale price in the sales tax declaration portion on the back.
- Providing an odometer disclosure, UNLESS the car:
- Is 10 years old or older.
- Weighs over 16,000 lbs.
OR - Isn't self-propelled.
- Providing a damage disclosure if the car is under 6 years old.
- Completing and removing the Recorded Owner(s) Record of Sale stub.
If you have lost your title, you must get a duplicate titlein order to make the auto title transfer.
Additionally, you must report the sale to the DVS, which can be accomplished:
- Online at the DVS website.
OR - By mailing the completed Recorded Owner(s) Record of Sale stub to:
- Driver and Vehicle Services – Central Office
- Town Square Building
- 445 Minnesota St, Suite 187
- St Paul, MN 55101
Lost Your Title?
Duplicate titles can be applied for in our office with proof of ownership. Duplicate titles can be printed on-site the day of application.
Disability Parking Permit
Disability parking certificates are issued to individuals (drivers or non-drivers), and to institutions that transport persons who have disabilities. Certificates may be used in any vehicle transporting a person with a disability. Two parking certificates may be issued to a disabled individual, provided they do not have disability license plates. If customer has disability license plates, only one parking permit may be issued. Parking permit applications can be obtained in our office and must be completed by the attending provider.
Special Plates
Driver and Vehicle Services offers a variety of specialized plates. View the DVS Special Plates Brochure for a list of the available specialized plates.
You Should Know:
State Statute requires proof of insurance for registration renewal, title transfer, or application for new title/registration. Proof of insurance for the vehicle covered must include: Insurance company name, Policy number, and Policy expiration date. View Minnesota Statute 169.798
PRORATE services are no longer offered at the License Center. For information call 651-205-4141.
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Title Transfers
All title transfers of manufactured (mobile) homes must be accompanied by a statement from the county in which the manufactured home is located verifying that all taxes have been paid and that there are no delinquent taxes due. The paperwork to transfer a certificate of title will not be accepted by the State Department of Public Safety without the tax statement from the county in which the manufactured home is currently located.
All transfers of manufactured (mobile) homes that are in or will be in Aitkin County, require a visit to the Aitkin County Assessor’s Office at 307 2nd St NW #108, Aitkin, MN 56431 (218) 927-7327. The Assessor’s Office will give you the necessary tax documents that are required to accompany your certificate of title in order to transfer ownership of the manufactured home at one of the License Centers.
Motor Vehicle Inspection station locations.