Winter Hazard Awareness Week | Nov 18 - 22
M-F | 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
307 2nd St NW, Rm. 121, Aitkin, MN
Kirk Peysar / County Auditor

Passport applications are completed by appointment only.

Wine License New Application

Please find below instructions and a checklist for completing the Wine License Renewal packet.

Read and complete all forms and applications thoroughly. Please note the requirement of Township approval. Contact your township clerk immediately to be added to their next meeting agenda. The application must include the signed form with the returned paperwork in order for the Auditor’s Office to process your application. In addition, a renewal copy of your MDH Food & Beverage License will now be required of all applicants (except those applying for Off-Sale only). Please include the legal parcel code and description on the application. Property taxes must be current for the property that holds the license.

If you have any questions, please call. This will avoid your application being returned to you for missing or incorrect information. Use this guide to assist you in submitting the required application(s) and forms completely and correctly.

  • FEES Include your check, made payable to Aitkin County Auditor WITH your application. For your convenience, fees may be divide into two equal payments, with the second installment due mid-June. An invoice for the second half will be mailed to those who choose the split payment option.
    • On Sale Liquor Sales fee is $1,500.00 per year.
    • On Sale Liquor Sales and Sunday Sales is $1620.00 per year.
    • Off Sale Liquor Sales fee is $360.00 per year.
    • On/Off Sale Sunday Liquor Sales fee is $1,980.00 per year.
    • Wine Sales fee is $500.00 per year.
    • 3.2% Malt Liquor County On-Sale fee is $40.00 per year.
    • 3.2% Malt Liquor County Off-Sale fee is $10.00 per year.
    • 3.2% Malt Liquor On/Off Sale fee is $50.00 per year.
  • APPLICATION FOR RETAILER’S (BUYER) CARD FOR LIQUOR OR WINE - If ownership has changed from the last renewal, a new application will need to be submitted for the new owner/entity. This includes a new Buyer’s Card Application as well. * Buyer’s Card not needed for applicants selling ONLY 3.2% Beer *
    • Sole Proprietor is the person’s signature.
    • Partnership or Corporation, it should be that person or company name or doing business as (dba)
    • Complete all lines required.
    • List Applicant’s Name and Business Name EXACTLY as it appears on Application.
  • DRAM SHOP (LIQUOR LIABILITY) INSURANCE REQUIRED – Contact your insurance agent to obtain this document.
  • * Licensees obtaining ONLY a 3.2% Malt Liquor License are exempt from this requirement if sales are less than $25,000 at ON sale and $50,000 at OFF sale.
    • The name on the insurance certificate MUST match exactly with the Applicant Name on the application.
      • The name on the insurance certificate matches EXACTLY with the LICENSEE NAME listed on the renewal application. EXAMPLE: Renewal form lists ABC Company, INC. The insurance must also read ABC Company, INC. and not just ABC Company leaving off INC.
      • If your renewal states the LICENSEE NAME as his or her own name, followed by the trade name, the insurance must list BOTH licensee names and trade name.
      • EXAMPLE: Mark & Jane Anderson, DBA Anderson's Eatery. The insurance must include both of these names and not just Anderson's Eatery, or Mark Anderson without Jane's name.
    • The address of the business location MUST be in the Description area of the form. No home address or PO Boxes.
    • Coverage term: coverage dates must appear on the certificate with one of the following:
      • Dates that coincide EXACTLY to the license period – “January 1, 202* – December 31, 202*”
      • Current policy term dates with additional wording in the Description Area: Wording MUST state: "Liquor Liability coverage is continuous until canceled."
    • Certificate Holder: Aitkin County 307 2nd St NW, Room 121 Aitkin, MN 56431
      • Complete all information
      • Personal information if sole ownership; or contact person information if partnership or corporation is license holder.
      • Must have applicant/president’s date of birth.
      • Business Information premise information for establishment to be licensed.
      • Contact the Town Clerk immediately to be placed on their agenda; Town Board approval is required prior to returning to the Auditor’s Office.
      • Complete if sales are less than $25,000.
      • Must be notarized.
      • A copy of your MDH Food & Beverage License renewal will be required from all applicants (unless you are only applying for Off-Sale).

    Should you require additional assistance, please visit Per MN State Statutes: 340A.907 – A State Inspector may inspect the premises for compliance.

    Time is of the essence. Application, forms and fees are due to our office no later than the first Tuesday in December. Your application will need to be added to the Aitkin County Board agenda for approval.

    If you have any questions, you can contact our office at (218) 927-7354 or