Winter Hazard Awareness Week | Nov 18 - 22
M-F | 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
307 2nd St NW, Rm. 222, Aitkin, MN
Dan Haasken / GIS Coordinator


How your E-911 address helps emergency personnel find your home...

North/South through roads are designated as Avenues. North/South dead-end roads are designated as Places. East/West through roads are designated as Streets. East/West dead-end roads are designated as Lanes. The five-digit numerical house designation begins at 10000 in the Southeast corner of the county and increases as you move North and West. There are 1000 possible house numbers per mile of road. 500 even number and 500 odd numbers. House numbers are based on driveway location within each mile of the grid system. Numerical road designations begin at 100 in the Southeast corner of the county and increase by 10 numbers per mile up to a maximum of 700 for East/West roads as you travel North and increase to 460 for North/South roads as you travel West. The house address is a number that indicates the distance of a driveway intersection with the traveled roadway from the Southeast corner of the county.

For example, 11250 110th Avenue is located approximately 1.25 miles North and 1 mile West of the Southeast corner of the county. Likewise, 22500 700th Lane is located approximately 60 miles North and 12.5 miles West of the Southeast corner of the county.

Meandering roads that do not fit on the numerical grid are assigned a name using an alphabetic grid. The alphabetic grid for roads addressed as East/West, begins with "A" for the southern most row of townships and increases to "J" for the northern most row of townships. Likewise, the alphabetic grid for roads addressed as North/South, begins with "K" for the eastern most townships and increases to "P" for the western most townships. For example, 18500 Driftwood Street is located in the fourth row of townships, from the South, 8.5 miles West of the East county line.

Even numbered addresses are located on the North side of Streets and Lanes, and on the East side of Avenues and Places. Odd numbered addresses are located on the South side of Streets and Lanes, and on the West side of Avenues and Places.

The road intersections in the county are marked with street signs. If you are traveling on 280th Avenue you are approximately 18 miles West from the East county line. If you are traveling on 220th Street you are approximately 12 miles North of the Kanabec County line if you are in the eastern half of the county, and 6 miles North of the Mille Lacs County line if you are in the western half of the county.

Exceptions to the grid system exist for some roads on the county line. In some cases the adjacent county's addressing system was used. The other exception is Great River Road that runs along the Mississippi River. Click here for a map showing the addressing grid for Aitkin County.

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