April 23, 2019 BOARD AGENDA
Aitkin Public Library
9:00 1) Anne Marcotte, County Board Chair
A) Call to Order
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Board of Commissioners Meeting Procedure
D) Approval of Agenda
9:02 E) Health & Human Services (see separate HHS agenda)
10:00 Break
10:10 F) Citizens’ Public Comment – Comments from visitors must be informational in
nature and not exceed (5) minutes per person. The County Board generally will
not engage in a discussion or debate in those five minutes but will take the
information and find answers if that is appropriate. As part of the County Board
protocol, it is unacceptable for any speaker to slander or engage in character
assassination at a public Board meeting.
2) Consent Agenda – All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be
routine and have been made available to the County Board at least two days
prior to the meeting; the items will be enacted by one motion. There will be no
separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so
requests, in which event the item will be removed from this Agenda and
considered under separate motion.
A) Correspondence File April 9, 2019 to April 22, 2019
B) Approve April 9, 2019 County Board Minutes
C) Approve Electronic Funds Transfers
D) Approve (2) Appointments to HRA Board
1. JoLynn Kullhem, District 4
2. Laura Emanual, Resident
E) Approve Township Approval of 3.2% Malt Liquor License
F) Approve 3.2% Malt Liquor Licenses
G) Approve Temporary On-Sale Liquor License
H) Adopt (2) Resolutions – Annual Apportionment of Forfeited Tax Sales
1. Transfer of 2018 Tax-Forfeited Funds
2. Apportionment of 2018 Tax-Forfeited Funds
I) Approve (2) AFSCME MOAs and (1) Personnel Policy Update:
1. AFSCME Courthouse Unit Personal Leave MOA
2. AFSCME HHS Unit Personal Leave MOA
3. Personnel Policy Personal Leave Update
J) Approve (2) Union Agreements and Authorize Signatures:
1. 2019-2021 Local 49 Union
2. 2019-2020 Teamsters Supervisory Union
K) Approve Annual Brat Sale – May 24, 2019
L) Approve Commissioner Warrants
M) Approve Auditor Warrants – Sales Tax
10:12 3) Jessica Seibert, County Administrator
A) NE MN Office of Job Training – Kari Paulsen
10:30 4) Rich Courtemanche, Land Commissioner
A) Adopt Resolution: Tax-Forfeited Land Sale
10:40 5) Mike Dangers, County Assessor
A) 2019 Assessment Summary
11:10 6) John Welle, County Engineer
A) Approve Engineering Services Agreements
B) Adopt Resolution: MnDOT Detour Agreement
C) Approve Equipment Purchase – Trimble Survey Equipment
11:40 7) Jessica Seibert, County Administrator
A) Adopt Fund Balance Policy
B) 2018 Year End Budget Review
C) Review 2020 Budget Timeline
D) County Administrator Updates
12:10 8) Committee Updates
12:30 Adjourn
Full Board Meeting Packet (PDF 9.6 MB)
Post Meeting Items: Signed Minutes Synopsis Resolutions Board Correspondence/Handouts